It is important not only to keep your gutters clean, but to keep your downspouts cleared out as well. When water fills your gutters and it has nowhere else to go, it can leak over causing problems to your roof, siding, and foundation. It is essential to keep the downspout clear so that water can be directed away from your home.
The task of clearing out your gutters will sometimes require you to get onto your roof and use your hose, so you will want to wait to complete this task when ice and freezing temperatures are no longer a major threat. Late March or early April is a good time to get this done, once the freezing temperatures have passed but before major rainfall.
Start with a sturdy extension ladder that is tall enough to reach the roof of your home. You do not want to have to reach any more than necessary in order to get onto the roof. The ladder should reach the edge of the roof. You may also need a 2nd person to support the ladder and assist with other tasks.
Before attempting to clear out the downspout, be sure that the gutters are cleaned. Remove leaves and other debris. Although, more time consuming, it is safer to move the ladder as you go rather than unclogging from the roof itself which would require you to lean away from the roof, making losing your balance more likely.
Once this task is complete, remove the horizontal extensions from the down spouts. It will be easier to push debris out of the down spout without the added directional issues.
Next, take the hose and place it at the opening of the first down spout with a small towel wrapped around to hold in pressure. Have your helper turn on the hose slowly to full force. You will know that the spout is cleared when the debris spits out and the water runs freely. Run for a few minutes to clear the remaining leaves.
For difficult clogs, you can use a plumbing snake to thread it through and pull out clogs. You can then try the hose method again.
Before putting the extension pipes back on, be sure they are cleared as well.
Now you have free and clear spouts, ready to take on the spring showers. As always, if you don’t feel comfortable performing this task yourself, or if you have health challenges, contact a professional.